Frozen in Time
A cameo exhibition of works by Susan Obrant
Images in dialogue with HVMOCA’s Third Annual Juried Exhibition ‘WAR’
It was the ‘late 60’s’, some 20 years post WWII, post the Korean war, middle of the bloodletting in Vietnam and the Iraqi Kurdish conflict in the Middle East, not to miss the drug wars and political confrontations that besieged the Americas, in Columbia, the Dominican Republic and Honduras. That’s the key. At any point in history, war and devastation reign somewhere, and the images of those who suffer, those who seek to rebuild a life somewhere else- anywhere else-those images remain the same. Faces, poses, material memorabilia, speak to suffering as well as to endurance. That woman with bowed legs, the missing teeth, that traveler on the train in ragged clothing, unshaven and unwashed, the transient worker. There are similarities that span time, that span culture and community. This is our shared burden, to face down challenges, to simply move ahead with needs, desires, seeking the security of shelter, of food, of the warmth of human contact…
Dedication by Livia Straus, President Hudson Valley MOCA
Exhibition on view: February 15-April 10, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday March 16, 2024
Captured here through the lens of the camera of a woman, still so young, still so hopeful.