Mamma I Wanna Dance
Written and Performed by Rochelle Spooner
Mamma, I Wanna Dance - I was isolated as a child. All the feelings of loneliness and anger return in my writing. However, so does my humor and love of life.
Rochelle Spooner's Bio
“Mamma, I Wanna Dance” is from the collection Harry’s Little Girl, by Rochelle Spooner and is also the name of her one-woman show. Rochelle Spooner, also known as Swami Mommy, is a Speech and Language pathologist, Yoga Master, writer, actress, community activist, and adventurer, lives in Nyack.
Rochelle received her BS degree from Old Dominion College and her MA degree from Montclair State College. She studied yoga at Kripalu Center in Lenox, Massachusetts, and has a certificate in Thai massage-yoga from the Sunrise Network in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She received her advanced training in 2003 in Evia, Greece. Rochelle’s instructional video “Yoga for People with Physical Limitations” is used as a standard for workshops by many rehabilitative organizations.
Rochelle began Harry’s Little Girl while studying writing family stories with Mara Mills.