Inside My Head, Endure, Calm
Inside My Head, Endure, Calm
3 poems by Andrew Cirincione
read by James ONeill
Artist Statement
I write to have a voice in what affects universally. In doing so I experience catharsis… My hope is my point of view, what I think and write not only helps me, but others.
About Andrew Cirincione
I have been writing as far back as I can remember… Some of my accomplishments are poems that have been published in Fredonia State College newspaper, The Leader; My most recently published poems were in book named “25”, Arts Center Kingston. NY edited by Ernst Shoen-Rene and The Key: Healing Through Artwork and Poetry, a book of poems dealing with bereavement. So far it has been well received. I belong to local poetry groups. I am now working on a new book. Poems about Coronvirus, family, friends, estrangements, and how I view life. In my spare time I write jokes, jingles and riddles, which I share with friends and relatives who either enjoy, laugh at or tell me to “PLEASE STOP.”