You Might as Well
You Might as Well
by Bara Swain; performed by Danielle Bourgeois; directed by Christian Haines
Artist Statement:
As a writer, I oftentimes reveal that I have no ideas for my next piece. That sounds impossible, I know. Most of my work is in response to calls for submissions. This monologue was conceived when I didn’t follow directions for one of those submission calls.
Bara Swain’s plays and film adaptations have been performed in 150+ venues in 25 states and abroad (Australia, Canada, UAE, Ireland). NYC theatres include the Barrow Group, Abingdon, Urban Stages, Sam French OOB, Project Y, Athena Theatre, NY Madness, Articulate, and Ego Actus. Recent: Turn! Turn! Turn! (Short+Sweet Sydney), The Wonder of You (Barrow Goup, NYC), and CHOOSE! (Artistic New Directions, NYC). Bara serves as the Creative Consultant at Urban Stages.