Portfolio Review Day 2020
Portfolio Review Day 2020
Hudson Valley MOCA Artist members are invited to bring their portfolios for review. This is an opportunity to meet directly with gallerists and professionals in the art industry to identify their strengths and weaknesses and improve their overall portfolio presentation. The review is a 20-minute one-on-one constructive critique with leading gallerists and collectors. Reservations are required.
Access to this event: exclusive to HVMOCA members at the artist level ($50) and above. Not a member? Join now to gain access to this exclusive opportunity.
Erin Leland, Director, Bridget Donahue Gallery, NYC
Arne Zimmermann, Owner, Pablo’s Birthday, NYC
Ben Tischer, Owner, Invisible Exports, NYC
Important information:
Portfolios should include 4-10 examples of your best work.
Artists are encouraged to bring in original work, laptops, and high quality images.
Hudson Valley MOCA provides no equipment.
$75 for Artist Member portfolio review
$115 for portfolio review and a year-long Hudson Valley MOCA Artist Membership. See all membership benefits here.
After registration and payment, the artist will receive a note with the assigned time slot and reviewer. The artist may not choose the time or reviewer. Book early! We have limited spots and our last session was waitlisted.